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Kursiv: the guide to great publishing hights

Kursiv magazine was established in 1996 to provide new and hot information on latest developments of world’s prepress and printing industry for Russian readership. Unlike many other specialized magazines Kursiv concentrates on technology rather than on marketing or advertising articles. Kursiv magazine publishes just the original articles written mainly by Russian professionals in prepress and printing field. (The magazine is not a Russian edition of some international publication.) Kursiv editorial team consists of professional printers and publishers, as well as experts in graphic arts equipment.

Main topics

The aim of Kursiv magazine is to give its readers true and detailed information together with recommendations on practical usage and economic issues of new or evolved technologies. Kursiv publishes an analytical articles on all aspects of printing production processes - from designers’s idea to printig, binding and finishing. One could find the articles on diffirent printing processes - traditional and new, specialities of prepress, including scanning, image corrections, layout and design, fonts usage, IT technologies etc. Kursiv concentrates mainly on new digital technologies in printing and publishing. Our authors are real professionals in their area of printing, having their own experience with new kind of technology or equipment. All the articles are wellillustrated - for better understanding the matter. Editorial team usually supplies the author’s article with actual comments, layouted as special inserts.

Editor-in-Chief: Alexander Amangeldiev, Dipl. Eng.
Associate Editor: Marina Belyaeva

Schedule of issuing

KURSIV magazine is bi-monthly publication (6 issues a year). Many of the issues are devoted to main Russian printing & publishing industries exhibitions and distributed at these shows - additionally to usual ways of distribution.

Issuing in 2005:

No 1 - February
No 2 - April
No 3 - June
No 4 - August
No 5 - October
No 6 - December


KURSIV magazine is distributed mainly in Russia, CIS & Baltic countries. Subscription is based on national press subscription systems of Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan. A lot of retail sales through repro shops and printing materials suppliers. About 200 copies are delivered specially for professors and students of Moscow University of Printing and its affiliates. The magazine is distributed at main publishing, printing and packaging exhibitions in Russia and CIS.

Kursiv readership

The readership of Kursiv magazine consists of top managers of printing houses, printing engineers, publishers, graphic designers and computer experts. They are working at printing, prepress and repro houses, design studios and advertising agencies. The readers of Kursiv are producing books, magazines, commercial and advertising issues. A lot of them try to increase their professional level.

Kursiv experimental works

In every issue of Kursiv magazine one can find a special insert consists of printed test objects. These inserts are the results of experimental works made by Kursiv experts. These pages supply reader with real illustrations and comparison materials that shows advantages or disadvantages of various print methods and prepress technologies. Main goal is to test new and uncommon printing and prepress technologies, equipment, software, materials. An idea, test methods and results analysis are always made by Kursiv editorial team. Readers of the magazine could evaluate printed results of testing technology and compare these results with well-known traditional technology results printed on a back side of insert. For example, one of the inserts illustrates opportunities of stochastic screening. The same tests are printed by stochastic (on the face side) and regular screening (on back side of insert). Description and analysis of the tests a reader can find in the same issue in the department «Flights investigation». Also Kursiv team tests the new equipment, such as new graphic monitors, computers, color proofers, printers etc. So, the theory becomes practice to all Kursiv readers.

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